Friday 24 February 2017

Totoro & Magic Cat Bus Nanoblock !!!

Dear blog:

This one is by far one of the hardest nanoblock structures I had to time taken for both was 7 hours.......πŸ˜“

For totoro, I started from about 10pm and only finished it at 2-3am......that's like a whole 4 hours just to finish building totoro......😰 Fingers were definitely sore......
But I definitely enjoyed making this despite needing to spend so much time on it....πŸ˜€
PS: seeing totoro headless was definitely a once in a life time totoro was partially hollow so i was thinking of just removing his head and storing some stuff might workπŸ˜€
It'll be like a secret chamber that I'll probably just fill with candy.......
 Contents inside the box.....
 The instruction sheet was so large, it practically covered my whole table display it....i just stuck it to the wall.....
 I forgot to take a display's a headless totoro.....tada.....😢
 Totoro got his head back, YAY 😁
 And a close up......
 I then proceeded to complete the Magic Cat Bus the morning after, which took about 3 hours......
Its not as bad as building totoro, probably because its smaller than totoro......
 Contents inside the box.....
 Layout of all the blocks......
 The Magic Cat Bus's Head......the body was the harder one to build......the head was like building a pokemon........
 And completion was achieved after 3 fingers were definitely painful......
Close up......
All in all......I would say this was actually quite a challenge.....πŸ˜…
Came out of this challenge in one piece........but my fingers are bruised( first world problems.....)πŸ˜‘
These two structures are definitely one of my favourite ones to build because of the difficulty level and because it comes from My Neighbour Totoro😁
The money spent on these two were definitely WORTH IT !!!

That's all for this blog update, please look forward to the next update, and as always
Thank You for Reading.

Thursday 17 March 2016

My Experience with EXO Luxion Malaysia !!!!!

Dear blog :

I have not attended an outdoor stadium concert before.....not until this year......which was totally WORTH IT
I attended the EXO Luxion Concert EXO Planet 2 on 12th March 2016, Exo's first concert held in Malaysia.... 
(Bought tickets on the internet... )
The concert starts at 8......
I arrived at the stadium ( more like found the main entrance to the stadium ) at 7....and this is the first thing i see......
And this is only Entrance 1.......I don't even want to think about Entrance 2....
After hour plus of waiting to get into the stadium ( standing in a crowd of squealing fans with exo music blasting ) I finally got into the stadium at a little pass 8 ?
The concert started about 20 minutes late.......yup.....
Inside of the stadium........
The stage....
Not as big as I thought it would be.......but its the first one I've seen so I'm not gonna complain....
And the moment has finally arrived.......the lights went off........
" And at last I see the lights " quote from Tangled.......the silver ocean.......Exo's signature colour...
After showing us a VCR about exo, EXO, the 9 boys from an unknown planet, emerged from behind the screen.......
All I could hear was Banshee screaming.......( already partially deaf )
At this point I have concluded that Malaysian EXO-L's are very supportive to the point of sacrificing their voices......Kudos to EXO-Ls
The first song they performed was Overdose, followed by History. Then they walked to the centre circle ( after striping off their gold jackets cause......why not.....its just too hot in Malaysia ) and performed El Dorado with lightsabers......
P.S.One of Xiumin's lightsaber wasn't working......
 Then they performed PlayBoy at the extended stages.......this made the fangirl scream even more....good job EXO.....
 After their short introduction, they continued to perform more songs,most of which I don't know  (still new here )
They performed a few of the less upbeat songs such as Baby don't cry.....
 Performing Baby don't cry......
 Kai and Sehun dancing in the water.....( must have been nice to bathe in the middle of a concert......especially with Malaysia's hot weather.....)
 Baekhyun playing the piano for the song My Answer.....
 Exo performing The Star........

 The lightsabers are emerging from the stage......
 A short VCR for us and a break for them to change......
 Exo singing one of their famous songs Peter Pan
 See the short white paper screen with holes behind.......yup.......they changed there....while singing Lucky
( Its like singing in the shower.....but without water.....and having thousands for people looking )
 They bust out of the paper sheet with new shirts cause I doubt they have time to change their pants....
 They also performed their Christmas Album, bringing back the Christmas feels......
 And then they transformed the whole concert into a club......
( Too many eyes.....)
 That is Chanyeol's DJ platform........
 Everyone else dances and sings......
 Everyone was literally jumping for the song Drop That.............Literally......
 ( The light......My eyes )

 Chanyeol and Xiumin training the fans for the song Machine......
 I think they were performing Machine in this picture below.......not sure......
 Other songs they performed are XOXO, Love me right, Call me Baby, Growl,Sing for you, Unfair and probably many more that I missed out.......sorry......I don't know much.......
The best thing for me other than being able to see EXO live is that I was able to see how supportive Malaysian EXO-Ls were........growing up I always attended concerts that mostly consist of classical music.....and this means there is no cheering, no banshee screaming just clapping ( maybe some whistle sounds here and there ).......whenever the musicians are playing it is always pin drop silence in the audience....

Because of that experience, I have always wanted to attend an outdoor concert with fans cheering and.......simply just seeing everyone full of passion and going nuts over the performers on stage.....its just something that I haven't been able to experience before.
I went to Exo Luxion with the mind of being able to just sit there and enjoy music, but I was greeted with a totally different audience, I could see everyone smiling, talking about what they love about EXO and simply filled of happiness and passion to see their idols. Even though it was loud and I couldn't hear much of the singing ( Ratio of Exo voices : Exo-L = 5:10 ) I still enjoyed myself, found out more about EXO and their songs and being able to feel the hype that everyone else felt...yup...

Credits to the Malaysian EXO-Ls for singing Sing For You.......its probably the largest choir I have ever seen and will ever see.....

And of coarse thank you to EXO and EXO-Ls for making the concert enjoyable and successful, it was definitely worth the experience and maybe I'll go to more concerts now ??? Probably after my SPM.......This concert has indeed opened up my mind to more things and I will definitely cherish this memory forever......EXO WE ARE ONE,EXO Saranghaja !!!Quote by EXO

I hope you've enjoyed reading this blog update ( rant.../ experience ), please look forward to the next update and as always
Thank You for Reading.

Monday 2 November 2015

Etude House Taiwan Haul !!!!

Dear blog:

Taiwan.......A shopping least in my opinion
My goal before even reaching Taiwan was to shop for cosmetics because......almost all the shops i want to go to were all in the same area which makes looking for things alot easier
Most of the things I bought were from Nature Republic and Etude House.
These are all the products I got from Etude least most of them were bought......they were very generous with the samples which is a good thing.

I got the Precious Mineral Cushion ( the box in the middle ) I like to call it the Macaroon
The packet on the right is a refill for the Macaroon
The box on the left is the Precious Mineral Cushion Deco pack ( Can't find it in Malaysia during that time so......I'm happy i got it in Taiwan )

For lipstick I got the Dear My Wish Lips Talk in the shade OR203
The colour is like a coral-ish pink ?......I think so......
The packaging is cute, the product is quite good, the lipstick is quite moisturising, colour payoff is good so.........yup......its good

I got the Drawing Show Brush Liner in Black
I've been using this eyeliner for a long time, its one of the first eyeliners I got and I like it alot.

And these are all the samples I got......never received so much before.......
 I received 2 packets of samples along with a brush cleaner solution and Real Art Cleansing Water.
 The first packet has BB cream samples ( in individual packets ), the new AC Clinic cleanser samples, a tea tree facial mask, BaoBao samples, Age Defense Essential Softener and Lifting Essence 
In the second pack I got the Baking Powder BB Deep Cleansing foam, Petit Bijou Baby Bubble Moisture Body Lotion, more BB cream samples ( this time in mini tubes ), a mini Age Defense Skin Care Set, Moistful Super Collagen samples and a Hello Raspberry and Cranberry Body Wash sample.

 And that's pretty much it with the haul
Most of the sample products I haven't tried yet, the ones are tried are the AC Clinic cleanser which is quite good.
I tried the tea tree mask and its like spreading tea tree oil all over your face except it was a mask.....
My sister  decorated the macaroon we bought with the deco kit and it turned out OK I guess ? ( the deco kit will be in another post )

If you want to checkout the Nature Republic Taiwan Haul I'll leave a link down below 

I hope you've enjoyed reading, please look forward to the next blog update or the Taiwan trip update which is coming soon.......yup coming soon, my finals are over so i should have time to blog.......and as always
Thank You for Reading.